- Services
- Comprehensive Health Checks
- Immunizations & Vaccinations
- Well Man Clinics
- Electrocardiogram
- Physiotherapy
- Beauty Therapy IPL and LED treatments
- Medical Needling - Collagen Induction Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Laboratory Investigations and Facilities
- Minor Surgical Procedures
- Verification of Sick Leave and Company Medical Services
Laboratory Investigations and Facilities
Blood Tests play an important role in both preventive routine Health checks and also as an aid to diagnosing diseases.
Basic routine blood investigations are performed at St. Brigid's Centre. Routine biochemistry such as blood Glucose, Lipid profiles, Liver and Kidney function tests, uric acid and Urine analysis. INR's determination (a test used to assess the coagulability status in patients taking Warfarin as part of their treatment) will soon be introduced.
Access to more sophisticated and advanced Blood investigations is possible through colloboration with certified Pathology Laboratories in Malta and abroad.
For further details contact Dr. Martin Borg MD MMCFD on 99493761 or at 21336111 or 27336111 or else e-mail us on drmartinborg@gmail.com.